We carry out the reception and personalized attention of the calls of your company or organization.
Call attention: we can answer all your calls or only those that you cannot answer, such as busy lines, outside your usual hours, etc.
Get quality service for your customers by minimizing management times and eliminating waiting times and lost calls. You will improve the corporate image of your company while reducing dedicated costs.
Transforma tu negocio con nuestros servicios de centralita, telesecretaría o secretaría virtual personalizada
¿Por qué optar por contratar telesecretaria, atención de centralita o secretaria virtual?
It should be noted that, with our services, you will be able to optimize the resources of your company for the correct attention and management of the calls received. Likewise, your clients will always be attended to by specialized agents in our Valencia Contact Center, avoiding the loss of calls and the “telephone wait” that the loss of dissatisfied clients entails.
- You will get personalized attention on the call. All calls, issuer data, company, reason for the call, etc. are recorded.
- And, we transfer the call to its recipient: person or department
- In addition, we send email and/or SMS if the recipient is not available to attend or does not respond.
- Finally, we send a monthly report of all the calls answered in the Call center.
Do you want to answer all your calls?
Thanks to the outsourcing of the call reception service, ALAPONT was able to eliminate waiting times and lost calls.
We offer a personalized service adapted to the needs of each client. Tell us what the needs of your company are and we will establish the appropriate procedures that guarantee the satisfaction of your clients.